How to Trade Profitably & Effectively
(Using The Ultimate MT4 Forex Sentiment Indicator)

Why make things complicated when they can be so easy?
Look, we all know how valuable forex sentiment data is for trading. After all, isn't that why you came to this page to look for it? No matter what your trading style is, you know there's an edge to be had when being aware of how the people around you are trading.
But isn't it so frustrating that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to harness that power effectively? There are countless websites that present forex sentiment data. But that's exactly the problem: the data is on some website, so you have to keep a browser open next to your MT4 terminal, drawing your attention from where the action happens.
As if that wasn't bad enough, those websites only present you with bare numbers and no history. That means you can't easily put what you see in context. What time zone am I in, is it the same as the data I see? And is that data even up-to-date?
You want to go long when sentiment stays in the extreme zone 30/70 for an extended period of time. Now it looks like it's been there for a while, time to go short! But hold on, how long exactly has it been there? Maybe the opportunity has passed already and a reversal is about to happen? There's no way to tell! Unless you've been keeping record every couple of minutes...
“Isn't it so frustrating that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to harness the power of forex sentiment data effectively?”
Granted, you can always take it upon yourself to program an indicator that gets the data from those websites and displays it on your charts. But that takes time and if you're not familiar with programming, it can be an insurmountable task. Not to mention that if those websites change their format, you'd always have to adapt your code. And doesn't your computer have to run all the time if you want to constantly gather the data? What happens if the power or internet goes out? And where are you going to save all that data? What if your harddisk has a failure and all your data is gone? The list of complications goes on and on...
There has to be a better way!
That's it, you can get one of those indicators out there that put the data directly on your charts! With one of those in your hands, all your problems would be solved! But sadly, most of those indicators charge a monthly subscription fee, or they limit the number of activations you have available to start them on different MT4 terminals, or they don't provide updates and support in case anything breaks...
Sound familiar? The struggles may have changed, but they're still there!
So how do the smartest traders solve this problems? We'll show you how, continue reading and see for yourself the amazing indicator that can change your trading game forever!

By choosing us you'll get the following benefits:

Sentiment Data In MT4
Get forex sentiment data directly on your MT4 charts. No coding, no need to track data yourself. Live data as well as history.
No Subscription
Buy once, enjoy forever. Lifetime access, support and updates. No strings attached.
Unlimited Activations
Change your MT4 account as many times as you like. Always take your indicator with you.

"Fantastic software tools"
"SentiFX has opened the doors to everyone on how to observe Market Maker manipulation with fantastic software tools and quality education. Also if you show you want to learn then they make sure they deliver what you need to know and if you or anyone offers good ideas for software enhancements it is done with speed and professional expertise."
- Vernon R, joined September 2019
This is the usefulness of Forex Sentiment Data
"See movements happen before they do"
Why should you care about forex sentiment data? Glad you asked! Among our combined experience of 20+ years of trading at SentiFX, we have tried a lot of different markets, strategies and data. With futures, indexes, shares, crypto and forex, to name only a few, there are many markets to choose from. The forex market is often the first market that new traders dip their toe into. This is because it is highly accessible and information is abundant. You can start with small investments and grow as a trader before putting big money on the line. There is an insane amount of liquidity and markets are open 24/5, which makes trading feasable for people who still have a day job. No matter what time of the day or week you pull up a chart, there's always an opportunity waiting to be seized.
Taking all those factors into consideration, you can see why Forex is the market in which you can earn your stripes. These are also the reasons that we chose to specialize in the Forex market. Since we have a background in quantitative analysis and trading, we descended on the market and all its facets to find out what really works and what is just a load of bull. Over the years we put many concepts to the test, developed our own and distilled the edges where we could.
We made the discovery that retail forex sentiment data is one of the biggest edges there is. We came to this conclusion by taking an in depth look at the data and how it related to price. We will spare you the nerdy scientific details, but here's what it comes down to when analysing data: If you find a correlation to price and a predictive component, that's when you have struck gold! I am sure I won't have to tell you that, of course, this is exactly what we found. But take a look for yourself.

This is the price of NZDUSD, but it could be EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD or any other pair for that matter. The price is layered on top of a colored background, which tells you what the retail sentiment was at that time. The brightly red and brightly blue colored areas are the ones where retail was the most biased to one side. Now, if you only look at those areas, could you have made money by going long during the red intervals, short during the blue interval and staying out of the markets when sentiment was undecided? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that of course you would have made money! That is the beauty of forex sentiment data and the incredible edge it offers. And want to know the best part? It can be used in every style of trading there is: scalping, day trading, swing trading, position trading, macro trading, you name it.
There you have it, black on white. Well, actually red and blue, but you know how the saying goes. You can start today and be one of the many traders profiting from forex sentiment data. Don't miss out on this huge edge and get your hands on the best MT4 Forex Sentiment Indicator there is.
What The SentiFX MT4 Forex Sentiment Indicator Does for You:
Live and Historic Sentiment Data
"Stay on top of the sentiment movements "
See how sentiment unfolds at a single glance. Quickly check the history of the pairs you're interested in and look for tradable patterns. Then stay on top of the sentiment movements with constantly updating live data. No more going through multiple websites, needing to switch between browser and MT4 or missing the right entry because your data was not up-to-date.
The data is streamed in M10 resolution and encompasses 6 months of history for 28 major currency pairs.

Highlight Areas of Interest
Configure the indicator to highlight areas of the chart that align with the sentiment values that you are interested in. You want to trade the reversal when sentiment has been in extreme regions for a longer period of time? It's simple, here's how you can get a visual aid on your charts to make scanning for opportunities a breeze:
- Set your threshold value in the indicator properties
- Activate the highlighting of values beyond the threshold
- Never miss an opportunity again or waste time staring at MT4 charts that don't fullfil your setup criteria

Average Long/Short Prices
Are you interested in seeing at what price the average trader went long or short? It helps you see how much pain both sides are in. The more pain (read: drawdown) a trader is in, the more likely he is to cave and close his position at a loss. Armed with that knowledge, this is your chance to make a profit! The average prices can be traded similar to Bollinger Bands and give you an unfair advantage over those traders that are not equipped with that knowledge.

Bar or Line Chart
With the bar chart, you'll be able to see how far off sentiment is from the equilibrium. Longs are shown above zero, while shorts are shown below zero. When both sides have the same amplitude, the pair's sentiment is in balance. When there is a bias to one side, the magnitude of that bias is displayed in a more prominent color.
If you prefer the line chart, you'll see both sides displayed above zero. When both lines converge towards the middle, the pair's sentiment is in balance. A bias can be seen when one line moves to the top and the other goes to the bottom. The magnitude of the imbalance is shown by a third line, that switches colors depending on which side is stronger.

Customizable Design
All colors can be freely configured. By default, the long percentage is shown as red while the short percentage is shown in blue. This is because at SentiFX, we use a contrarian approach to forex sentiment: when most traders go long, we go short! Most retail traders don't make money, so naturally we take the opposite side of their bets.
If you prefer the traditional approach of trading in line with forex sentiment (which also works well as our quant research has shown, mostly at the beginning of a move), then you can invert the colors.
And if you're feeling funky, why not go a little nuts and make it rain with a full-on rainbow?!

“My biggest 'aha-effect': seeing the predictive power of forex sentiment”
"My biggest "aha-effect" since joining SentiFX was to be able to see the movements in forex sentiment and their predictive power. I believe there are so many important insights from the data available and I am studying carefully. I highly recommend SentiFX. The team is always willing to help which is very important for me. No matter how good a product: if support is bad, then it's not worth it. "
- Lord G, joined September 2019
Ready? Alright, Here's What You'll Get...
MT4 Sentiment Indicator
License & Support
By now it should be pretty that clear that here at SentiFX, we care about your success as much as you do! That's why we don't simply hand you an indicator and let you figure out on your own what exactly you're supposed to do with it.
Instead, we'll be right there with you all the way. You'll get the indicator as well as all the necessary educational materials for making the best possible use of it. And if at any point you get stuck, fear not, as you will get all the support you need. That's our promise to you!
So don't wait any longer and let all those opportunities pass you by, become a part of the SentiFX team now!
Get Instant Access to the Indicator!
You know the power of forex sentiment data, but you also know how hard it is to effectively access...
Click the button below to end your troubles and have all that power at the tips of your fingers!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
We are fully convinced by the quality of our indicator and know that it will provide you with the latest quality data that will augment your trading. You will be able to gather insights into the markets that most retail traders don't have.
That's why we can comfortably give you a 30-days 100 % satisfaction guarantee. If within 30 days after your purchase you are not fully satisfied with the indicator, we will refund your money in full.

"SentiFX gives me the confidence to trade by myself"
"In my 2+ years of trading forex I have used a countless number of indicators and systems, but I am sad to say most of them are not what they promised to be.
After testing and trading with the SentiFX Forex Sentiment Indicators for almost 7 months, I've learned so far:
- How to target retail traders
- Market structure/Market Cycle/Order Flow
- High probability entry/exit
Their customer service is excellent, Charles and Bob will respond to queries in less than 24 hrs. The SentiFX trading systems give me the confidence to trade by myself. I highly recommend their systems for anyone who is serious in trading FX, instead of relying on signals or EAs."
- Chris L, joined February 2020
Let's be real with each other!
I know what you might be thinking now: forex sentiment data really is powerful, but I don't see why I would need the indicator. I can just as well go on rummaging around websites and keep track with my Excel sheet. It already has the colors that I like. Plus it's probably going to take some time to get used to this easy way of tracking sentiment. I mean, what am I going to do with all that saved time I have on my hands now!? I know, I could finally learn to code so I could program that indicator myself!
Okay, that was maybe a little over the top, but I am sure you catch my drift. Sure, you can skimp on the tools of your trade and make the lack of insightful data up with a higher time investment. But is that what professional, successful traders do? After all, time is your most valuable asset. You can always get more money, but you can never get back the time that you waste on menial tasks like tracking forex sentiment yourself or coding a system that does it for you.
Trading is mostly a business problem. No matter what business you're in, you need to figure out what it is that makes you the most money in the shortest possible time. When you've got that figured out, it all comes down increasing the frequency of those money-making activities. As a car dealer for example, what makes you money are the car sales. Therefore you need to get as good as you possibly can at selling cars, so you can sell 10 or 20 cars a day. Every task that is not directly related to making those sales is only distracting you and keeping you from increasing your sale numbers. If you want to sell more cars, and thus make more money, you've got to eliminate those time-draining activities. For every other task that needs to get done in a business like bookkeeping, marketing or customer service, you hire people to do them for you. After all, they're the experts in their field and can do the work in a fraction of the time that you would need. Imagine the amount of money you'd be losing by going over the books all day and not selling those 10 cars... It would be a total desaster and your dealership would be out of business before you know it!
As trader, why would you act any differently than every other successful business person in the world? What makes you money are profitable trades. You're not making money by filling in Excel sheets or coding indicators. Then why would you waste your precious time on those activities?! Everything you do that is keeping you from trading is negatively affecting your bottom line. Leave those distractions to the people that were trained to do them. In business, one of the greatest ways of leverage that you have available is being able to access the resources that other people have to offer. Use that leverage wisely and you'll make profits that before you only ever could dream of!
Be smart and see the opportunity that lies before you here for what it is: getting access to Forex Sentiment Data and its tremendous power without having to worry about any of the specifics. No manual work, no coding, debugging and testing. No time wasted.
Get the SentiFX MT4 Forex Sentiment Indicator now and completely focus on profiting from the time you open your MT4 terminal until you close it!
All these now for just:

Get Instant Access to the Indicator!
You know the power of forex sentiment data, but you also know how hard it is to effectively access...
Click the button below to end your troubles and have all that power at the tips of your fingers!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
We have multiple sources that supply us with accumulated broker data. On our end, we clean that data and merge the different streams to get the most comprehensive and reliable sentiment data there is. That is the data that is directly streamed into your MT4 platform.
Your SentiFX account will be bound to your MT4 broker account the first time you start any SentiFX indicator on it. After that, the SentiFX indicators will only work on that specific account. Because the indicators are bound solely to your MT4 account, it doesn't matter how many MT4 terminals you use simultaneously or on which computers you use them. As long as they all use the same MT4 broker account, you'll be able to run the SentiFX indicators on all those terminals at the same time.
If you want to change your MT4 broker account, you can do so at any time. Simply contact the SentiFX support and we will unlock the indicators. After that, you can start them on the next MT4 broker account and they will then be bound to that account. There is no limit on how often you can change your account, so we will unlock it for you an unlimited number of times.
If you need to run the indicators on more than one MT4 account at the same time, you can contact us and we can discuss your specific needs to make you a suitable offer.
In the sentiment trading quick start guide you'll get a grip on how to make the most out of sentiment data. You'll learn about the signals that the indicator gives and how to react to them properly. The signals will be combined with one of the methods we use when trading sentiment, so you can directly start working with the indicator. After going through the quick start guide, you'll be well equipped to make full use of forex sentiment data and its predictive power in trading.
The satisfaction guarantee is completely free of any catch. It's as simple as can be:
You have not been fully satisfied with the indicator within the first 30 days after your purchase? Let us know and we will refund the amount in full.
Be aware though: If you choose to make use of your guarantee, your access to the indicator will be removed immediately, as will your access to the SentiFX community, unless you own any other SentiFX product or have an active membersip subscription.
As soon as you purchase the indicator you will receive an invitation to the private SentiFX Slack workspace. All users have access to that workspace and come together to help each other out and discuss their strategies for all to profit.
The SentiFX team is part of that workspace, so you can reach out directly to us at any time to get support regarding the course and the application of the discussed topics.
If your question is not listed here, you have multiple options:
1. Get in touch via online chat
2. Send us an email to [email protected]
The chat is the fastest way to get your request resolved, as we can immediately answer your questions. In case you don't have javascript available in your browser, the chat will not work and you can send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as we can.